GIO Assets

Girls Islamic Organisation of India

GIO Transparent Logo (PNG)

GIO White Background Logo (JPEG)


  • Don’t recreate the logo.
  • Logos should only be used in the colors provided
  • Always include sufficient clear space around the logo
  • Abide by minimum size requirements min-height: 20px


Dark Blue

RGB Color Code: #10579b

Light Blue

RGB Color Code: #0d94e8

Red Color

RGB Color Code: #a81106

National Federation of GIO


  • Don’t recreate the logo.
  • Logos should only be used in the colors provided
  • Always include sufficient clear space around the logo
  • Abide by minimum size requirements min-height: 20px


Primary Light

RGB Color Code: #0288d1

Primary Dark

RGB Color Code: #000000

Background Color

RGB Color Code: #FFFFFF

National Federation of GIO