Our History

Our Timeline

GIO was established as a full-fledged state-level organization. It now actively works in 18 Zones across the country.

  • 1980

    1980 – Activities on the local level were being conducted for girls under the banner of GIO.

  • 1982

    When some girls from Kerala attended an all-India event of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, efforts to officially form GIO started.
    Initially, girls had their activities and events alongside women.

  • 1984

    Initially, girls had their activities and events alongside women, GIO was officially formed – separate from women – in Kerala.

  • 1998-1999

    GIO was established in states like Bihar & Rajasthan

  • 2005-2007

    Meanwhile, various states across the country started holding GIO programs independently – like Punjab (est. 2005) and Telangana (est. 2007), but most of them weren’t structured or organized until much later in July 2007 when the Markazi Shoora created a committee – led by Jb. Syed Sadatullah Hussaini Sb. – which attempted to increase and organize the activities of GIO in various states, and to give structure to the Organization at the zonal level. Another function of this committee was to draft a model constitution for GIO of all states. Atiya Siddiqua sahiba was also a part of the committee as a special invitee. The suggestions put forth by the committee included organizing GIO at the zonal level, interconnection of these zones and formation of a national federation at a later stage.

  • 2008-2015

    In states like Goa, Tamil Nadu, Jharkhand, Gujarat, and Karnataka, GIO was established, and the next in South Maharashtra, whereas in Andhra Pradesh.

  • 2018-2019

    Ideas to bring GIO at a national level were not implemented until 2018 when JIH, at the central level, organized a 3-day Tarbiyah Camp at its Headquarters where three GIO leaders were invited from each state.GIO was established in states like Delhi (2018), Madhya Pradesh (2018), Uttar Pradesh East (2019) and Uttar Pradesh West (2021).

  • 2020

    after Mrs. Rahmathunnisa Sahiba suggested that GIO has become quite organized in almost every zone, and its girls have also developed talents and skills, hence GIO can now be organized at a national level – the Shoora created a committee, led by Mrs. Rahmathunnisa Sahiba, to discuss and decide on the structure and shape that this national-level organisation can take.

  • 2022

    At that juncture, the committee decided that for the time being, a national federation would be more suitable than an all-India Tanzeem. The committee chose to set pre-defined areas of work for the proposed federation, and that its nature would be different from that of an organisation. The Federation was to have representatives from each zone, while the Zones’ autonomy would be intact and their identity would be maintained. The Federation would work towards a few objectives – including representation of GIO in media; development of its leadership; coordination, interaction and sharing of ideas among its zones; homogenization of Meeqat, logo and flag; and the most important objective would be to establish new zones while strengthening the weak zones.
    In March 2022, all Umara-e-Halqa were instructed to facilitate the election of GIO representative (s) from their zones, for the Federation. From 29th – 31st July 2022, National Federation of GIO met for the first time in Markaz, JIH Headquarters to elect their first President and General Secretary.

How can we help you?

Contact us at the GIO zonal office nearest to you or submit an inquiry online.

Events & Programs
Women and their challenges in Free India – MAP
  • September 29, 2022
  • Live at Facebook
Influencer of the Youth Prophet Muhammed (PUBH) – MAP
  • October 22, 2022
  • Live at Facebook & YouTube

Men and women, both are created to obey the Almighty, our Creator, and to spread the message of Truth and establish Peace. While we acknowledge and celebrate women’s roles in their homes and in their families, we can not neglect their role and their importance in society.

Sumaiya Roshan
President, National Federation of GIO
National Federation of GIO