- December 25, 2015
- Posted by: portal
- Category: Press Conference

New Delhi, 30 July 2022 – The National Federation of GIO held its first press conference. In which, the first elected president and first elected secretary of The National Federation of GIO discussed various aspects of its formation and proposed it’s objectives and areas of work.
Ms. Rahmatunnisa, National Secretary, JIH Women’s Wing introduced the federation, the president and the general secretary. From the beginning of JIH, GIO has been operating in various states and regions of the country to empower, strengthen, educate and create awareness among women, Muslim women in particular. When the need of national representation of GIO was felt, the National Federation was formed as a step forward. While Advocate Sumaiya Roshan from Karnataka was elected the first president of the National Federation of GIO, and Samar Ali from Kerala became its general secretary, the members of the federal committee were also elected from different states, all over India. As soon as it was done, there started discussions among the federal committee members on the current situation of the country, especially of girls and women and how the National Federation will work further to contribute towards its resolution.
Samar Ali, general secretary National Federation of GIO put forward the aims and objectives of the federation and it’s ultimate purpose. GIO is working under state councils in almost all the states of India and it will continue to do so. The purpose of federation is to create relationships between these states and enhance the state activities by coordination, sharing of ideas and make conscious efforts to voice out and address major issues of national concern. It’s aim is to build and provide a wider platform for women from different sections of society which will help them come together, engage with each other and nourish themselves while learning to tackle the challenges put forward by the society. It’s aim is to focus on the resolution of issues which are not just concerned with Muslims or women but every issue of national importance. GIO believes that, being a part of world’s largest democracy, every citizen must be provided with equal opportunity which will help evolve themselves and reach their highest potential. But, despite putting all the effort women still face discrimination, even after the submission of report and recommendation by the Mandal committee 40 years ago, the backward community struggle hard to mark their presence in the mainstream society, hence federation will work for their overall upliftment and growth in their socio-political conditions. It’s ultimate goal is to create a platform where anyone can join and voice out against inequalities that they face.
Advocate Sumaiya Roshan addressed the further functioning, areas of work and objectives of the National Federation of GIO. GIO has been unique ever since. It has its constitution, policy and program which is set and which regulates all its activities. National Federation of GIO was required to consolidate all the states in the country which has GIO working on the grass root level, it was required to fulfil the need of representation of women in national media. Federation has representatives from all these states who will be working on the flow of ideas from different parts of the country which will be based on their environment, culture and mind-sets and which will help the weaker zones to become strong. Federation’s objectives include the interpersonal relationships of states of GIO and representation of women in media. The National Federation of GIO will look up to the issues in various regions of the country and discuss with the representative of that particular state who will have good sense and understanding of the social and political situation and work for its resolution. The federation will tie up and tie along with the women who are already working in the concerned field to enhance its effectiveness.
The National Federation of GIO ultimately aims at giving platform to women who will help each other become strong.
“This is the platform we will be giving each other to help each other become strong”
– Advocate Sumaiya Roshan, President, National Federation of GIO.
O you who believe! You are forbidden to inherit women against their will. Nor should you treat them with harshness, that you may take away part of the dowry you have given them – except when they have become guilty of open lewdness. On the contrary live with them on a footing of kindness and equity. If you take a dislike to them, it may be that you dislike something and Allah will bring about through it a great deal of good.
(Quran 4:19)